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Nicholson Continues to Shine

They call him the “beast” but he really is a beauty.

David Nicholson, the most recent recipient of the Calgary Booster Club’s Jack Gregory Award, has not slowed down one bit since he claimed the honour in April.

The powerlifting athlete who represented Canada at the 2023 Special Olympics World Games continues to rack up awards, as well.

He was named the 2024 Special Olympics Calgary Athlete of the Year and delivered a speech welcoming alumni to Mount Royal University (MRU) – where he recently completed his studies – in June. That same month, Nicholson finished first in a Special Olympics Alberta powerlifting qualifier.

In addition, Nicholson has taken up golf and finished in top spot at the recent Special Olympics Calgary Golf Classic.

Through it all, he hasn’t missed putting in time in the gym as he sets his sights on the 2027 Special Olympics World Games in Santiago, Chile.

“It makes me strong, happy … I like being strong … it’s great to be active,” said Nicholson in an acceptance video for his Calgary Booster Club award.

“I’m very honoured to receive this award. It means a lot to me and I love Special Olympics.”

He also competes in floor hockey, basketball, bowling, soccer and has been involved in the Calgary Police Service Tacticul Unit for several years.

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