Bill Phillips
- 1979 Sportsperson of the Year -

For many Calgarians, athletes and spectators alike, the familiar face of Bill Phillips has been a fixture at minor sports events in this city for the past half-century.
Born in Glasgow, Scotland 66 years ago, Bill travelled with his family while only 7 months old to Calgary where he has made his home ever since. While he was a very active participant in amateur athletics as a youth, Bills major contribution to athletics in this city has been as a trainer and a leader in the treatment of athletic injuries.
Although Bill never limited his efforts to any particular sport his primary involvement was in football at all levels, including a brief stint with the professional Stampeders and in hockey at the Junior “B” and Juvenile “A” level where he served as trainer to the whole league, attending hundreds of games and giving invaluable assistance and encouragement to the many young athletes taking part.
A trainer is truly a man behind the scenes. Throughout the years Bill has given unselfishly of his time and effort in maintaining strong, healthy young athletes and he has been a welcome sight on the field of play and we of the Booster Club take great pleasure in adding the name of Bill Phillips to the distinguished list of “Sportsperson of the Year.”