Bob MacNichol
- 1982 Sportsperson of the Year -

Bob MacNichol is the Calgary Booster Club’s Sportsperson of the year for 1982, joining a distinguished group of individuals who have dedicated much of their lives to sports in the City of Calgary. He is a most deserving recipient of this award and the Booster Club is proud to honour him for his tireless dedication to amateur athletics.
Originally from Australia where he played soccer and rugby, Bob moved to Calgary in 1948, settling in the River Park – Altadore community. He became the driving force in the community youth sports activities, organizing and coaching hockey until 1963. Minor Soccer made its debut in Calgary in 1963 and Bob added soccer to his coaching activities, advocating a hard, clean style of play.
MacNichol coached soccer for a number of years and then initiated the Calgary Minor Referees Association in the early 1970’s. When Minor Soccer started in 1963. MacNichol volunteered as a Director, a position he held until 1980 when he became the Executive Director of the Calgary Minor Soccer Association. He also held the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the Association from 1969 to 1981.
Bob MacNichol originated, and established the Calgary Boy’s International Tournament held every Labour Day weekend in Calgary, a prestigious tournament which began in 1964. The soccer community was saddened in 1981 when Bob lost his wife, Rilla, whom he credits for the major success of himself and Minor Soccer in Calgary.
An active man at the age of 66, Bob plays tennis, squash, and swims regularly. He also referees over 100 games a year.
There are now 13,000 players registered in Calgary Minor Soccer (approximately 580 teams) and another 43 teams competing indoors. Bob MacNichol is the major reason that Soccer has flourished in Calgary.
Bob will join Master of Ceremonies, Ken Newans, guest speaker Brooks Robinson, and others at the Head Table on Monday, March 15, 1982.