Charlie Scott
- 1971 Sportsperson of the Year

“Sports has been my life to a great extent and I can’t remember when I wasn’t involved in it”, he stated and because his actions were proof thereof, Charlie Scott has been selected by the Booster Club as Calgary’s Sportsperson of the Year.
Charlie is most recently remembered for his contribution to golf and curling. In his earlier days he participated in most sports and was a member of The Calgary Canadians who went to the Western Canada Junior Hockey Finals in 1923. played on Provincial Champion Baseball teams and played football with The Calgary Tigers in 1930-1932.
Charlie was raised In Calgary and was one of the persons instrumental in forming The Inglewood Golf Club. He was Club Champion on two occasions during the 1930’s. He moved to Edmonton after the Second World War and later became President of The Edmonton Golf Association and in 1949 was appointed to the Executive of The Alberta Golf Association and served that organization as Secretary-Treasurer for twenty years.
As most Calgarians know golf was not the only sport to which he dedicated his time and efforts as he is Bonspiel Chairman of The Southern Alberta Curling Association. He was Chairman of The MacDonald Brier Curling Championship staged in Calgary in the early 1960’s and was also Chairman of the World Curling Championship held in Calgary.
Charlie is still active as a participant in both golf and curling. He is employed as Service Supervisor with Imperial Life Insurance Company. He like our previous Sportsperson of the Year is a fine citizen and has contributed countless hours to help make our City and Province a better place in which to live. The Booster Club feels itself proud to be able to recognize Charlie Scott as Sportsperson of the Year.