Doug Kyle
- 1969 Sportsperson of the Year -

Doug Kyle at the age 36 is the youngest man to be honoured yet his credentials are impeccable.
The diminutive track and field-master resided in Toronto, Guelph, Galt, Ottawa, Saskatoon and Vancouver before coming to Calgary in 1958. He lived here 10 years and his efforts in all aspects of sport were rewarding to Calgary and the track and field aspirants.
As a runner in the fifties, Kyle was probably the country’s best known in international competition. During his competitive career, Doug held Canadian records in every distance over two miles. To be specific, Kyle at one time or another had posted the best Canadian time in the two-mile, three-mile, six-mile, ten-mile and fifteen-mile runs, as well as the 3,000; 6000; 10,000 and 25,000-metres.
He was one of the best, competing in the 1954 and 1958 British Empire Games and the Olympics in 1956 and 1960.
The Gulf Oil executive, however, didn’t divorce himself from amateur sport after his competitive days were over. He devoted himself to support of amateur track and field athletes not only in Calgary, but throughout Alberta and Canada.
He was rewarded last year when he was selected coach of Canada’s track and field team in the Mexico Olympics. Although the Canadian team won no medals, th athletes have been unanimous in expressing their respect for Coach Kyle.
Because of Kyle’s influence with outstanding track and field stars throughout the world, Calgary’s Stampede City International Games have been a resounding success, in both 1968 and 1969.
In addition, Kyle has been a driving force in the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada, Alberta branch.