Keith Kendal
- 1983 Sportsperson of the Year -

Keith Kendal is the Calgary Booster Club’s Sportsperson of the Year for 1983, joining a distinguished group of individuals who have dedicated much of their lives to sports in the City of Calgary.
Keith began his coaching career in 1956, the year following his graduation from High School. Since that time he has coached baseball and football at the Flag, Bantam, High School and University levels, often coaching more than one team in a single season.
His record over the years has been more than impressive. Little League baseball teams coached by Keith won the Provincial Championship in 1959, came second at the 1973 Prairie Playdowns and were runner-up at the 1981 Canadian Championship. From 1961 to 1965 while living in Red Deer he coached a High School Football Team that won two Central Division titles and one Provincial title. During trie period 1972 through 1981 he coached the Cowley & Keith Colts to more than 120 wins. The 1982 football season was spent as an assistant coach at the University of Calgary.
Undoubtedly the major contribution to amateur athletics by Keith has been more than coaching winning teams, he has provided exemplary leadership to all his athletes and taught them to be good citizens.