Tony Anselmo
- 1992 Sportsperson of the Year -

It was once said of Tony “a community will only be good as the people who devote their personal lime to that community’s betterment. By that yardstick Calgary is indeed a better place because of your commitment over the years.”
Tony is recognized in the Calgary community for his leadership in business and in charitable maters. Tony Anselmo has also made significant contributions to sport in Calgary.
He came to Calgary as a respected businessman in 1965. and worked tirelessly promoting and supporting the Calgary Stampeders Football Club. Tony served on the board of directors, was Vice-President and became President in 1973-74.
Following two years as Past President, he remained actively involved as a member of the Advisory Board.
While maintaining his support for football lie directed his efforts to the McMahon Stadium Society becoming chairman in 1975. spear heading expansion projects and leading in the planning and funding of improvements (extra seating, artificial turf and in cooperation with the Provincial Government and OCO 88. many improvements made for the Olympic Games).
Since his retirement in 1983 he has devoted “almost all of his time” to the amateur sports community. It has been under his leadership that the McMahon stadium has been convened from a professional sport facility to multi-purpose facility which accommodates over 500 amateur sports events annually in addition to professional and university football.
Tony worked for Canada Safeway from 1938 to 1983 rising through the ranks to become Chief Executive officer and Chairman of the Board – Canada Safeway Ltd. He was born in 1918. and recently celebrated his 74th birthday. Tony with his wife Minerva have three children, son Garry and daughters Dale and Toni.
Tony is an ardent fundraiser, numerous athletic groups have benefited from his efforts in particular he was instrumental in arranging for a $250,000 contribution to the University of Calgary Athletic Program.
He was recognized with a honorary Doctor of Laws ( U of C 1988) and he has been recognized by the Calgary Booster Club as an honoured Athletic Leader in 1990.
It came from one of his grandchildren, and duly noted on his licence plate “grand bum” has a connotation that perhaps reflects the sentiments of an individual who loves children and they in return.
Tony Anselmo is a man who served his country with the RAK and continues to service in an undaunted fashion the sport community in the City of Calgary. The Calgary Booster Club takes great pride in recognizing Tony Anselmo as Calgary Sportsperson of the Year 1992.