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Historical Moment: Honourary Life Directors & Honour Roll History

Honourary Life Director
Established in 1973-74 under President Tony Schneider and his executive team—Tom Humphrey, Skip Morgan, Jack Wilson, Sim Laing, Don Park, and Joe Ferguson—this recognition was originally created to honor former Presidents of the Club.

The initial criteria were:

  1. The president had to complete their full term.
  2. They had to be retired from the Club.
  3. Current Directors would vote on their acceptance.

Over time, eligibility expanded to include any Director who had made a significant impact over an extended period, even if they were never Club President. Notable recipients include:

Ray Barry, Bill Code, Bill Dockery, Mary Anne Downing, Myrna Empey, Joe Ferguson, Clarence Gourlay, Harry Hobbs, Don Ingram, Frank King, Bill Manery, John Mayell, Ken McKenna, Bud Milner, Bob Niven, Russ Parker, Jack Quigley, John Semkuley, Ron Smyth, Dr. Ward Steckle, Gordon Stitt, Darol Wigham, and Gordon Wood.

Honour Roll
The Honour Roll was established in 1980, though historical records on its origins are scarce. Based on observation, the criteria appear to be:

  1. Recognition for any Booster Club Director who made a long-term significant impact.
  2. They had to be retired from the Club.
  3. A current Director would nominate candidates, who were then voted on by the Club.
  4. Individuals could be inducted into both the Honourary Life Directors and the Honour Roll or just one.
  5. The eleven founders of the Club were nominated and accepted into this category.

This distinction continues to celebrate those whose dedication and leadership have shaped the Calgary Booster Club’s legacy.