Dr. Lou Goodwin
- 1977 Sportsperson of the Year -

During his career. Dr. Goodwin has served as President of the Canada West University Athletic Association and has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Intercollegiate Athletic Union. He held five two-year terms as an elected member of the Calgary Public School Board including acting as Chairman of that Board for an unprecedented five years and has also held three two-year terms as a City of Calgary alderman. He is a former director and president of the Booster Club. In 1967 he was presented with the Canada Medal as recognition for his participation in community activities. After 30 years as the top physical education man at the University of Calgary, Dr. Goodwin is resigning as Dean this year in order that he can devote the next two years to ‘getting back to the classroom’ as a teaching professor.
The Booster Club is very proud to add the name of Dr. Lou Goodwin to the distinguished list of Sportsperson of the Year.