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Sportsperson of the Year

- Nominations are now closed until 2026 -

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About this Award

Every year the Calgary Booster Club celebrates an individual whose achievements have made a significant impact on local sport. This is the Sportsperson of the Year, the club’s flagship honour, which has been handed out since 1954.

Who is the Sportsperson of the Year?

Someone who has selflessly contributed 25 or more years’ service as a coach, official, volunteer, or administrator. Someone who has been previously recognized as an Honoured Athletic Leader, which itself is evidence of high degrees of involvement and influence on sport in Calgary. Someone who has earned distinction at city, provincial, national, or international levels. Someone who has merited sport-related accomplishments in community. Someone who deserves peer recognition and respect.

Someone who is worthy of the most prestigious award offered by the Calgary Booster Club.

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